Chapter Newsletters and Activities Has Been Moved to the Message Boards
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Chapter 201 - April 2009 Newsletter

Chapter 223 - Chapter Events

Chapter 355 - 2005 Chapter Scholarships

Chapter 391 - 2006 Events - Highway 108 Dedication

Chapter 441 - 2005 Activities

Chapter 446 - Fall 2005 Activities

Chapter 500 - Veterans Day Parade Flyer / Memorial Day 2004 Reading of the Names

Chapter 582 - 3rd Annual People's Choice Car & Motorcycle Show

Chapter 691 - December 2004 Newsletter / January Newsletter / February News

Chapter 756 - Moving Wall - Monthly Dinners & Breakfasts

Chapter 781 - News Update

Chapter 785

Activities & Pictures Kim Phuc Visit Mitchell Paige Funeral Sock Hop
Run For The Wall 04 Little Saigon TET Festival Wall Experrience Christmas 2004 BBQ
Veterans Day 2004 Gold Star Mom Visit Wounded Marine Luncheon Funerals & Updates
Greg Esslair Services Westminster Memorial Fall of Saigon Ceremony Run For The Wall 05
Balboa Island Parade Monsoon Dispatch - July 05 VA BBQ 2005 Wounded Marine Luncheon 4
Gold Star Mom Visit Veterans Day 2005 The Groves Steven Neal Services
Christmas 2005 BBQ

Chapter 933 - Activities

Chapter 951 - Hurricane donation - Poker Run

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Vietnam Veterans of America
California State Council
P. O. Box 3007
Riverside, CA 92519-3007