Steven Neal

Aloha Members, Family and Friends...."the rest of the story" on a beautiful and very moving and emotional service for "our brother" Steven Neal. We left Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Long Beach and started "our journey" to the Riverside National Cemetery proudly escorting Steven and his family. Steven would have been proud and would have chuckled at the "mad hatter" race to Riverside. His brothers from the Park Ranger Service provided the escort as well as his beloved Sheriffs. Park Rangers at best travel 5 mph or less on their daily patrols in the parks. Steven's boys found second and third gear, blew out their exhaust systems and ran their red and blue overhead lights with sirens "acting as road guards," blocking the many on ramps to the freeway so that the funeral procession would not be interrupted. They were magnificent! RFTW members were safe and secure on their bikes and acted in unison with Steven's Park Rangers, relieving them at the ramps so that they could proceed ahead with their lights and sirens, blocking off the on ramps further ahead. When "Pegleg" arrived home in Corona, his neighbors spoke of this funeral procession they witnessed on the 91 Fwy and told Roland that it must have been for a noted dignitary....they were so right, Steven Neal was a noted dignitary, an American Ambassador who took care of so many with his presence, a presence of love, kindness and understanding. It was Steven's "Welcome Home" parade and we were all so proud to be a part of it!
    Today is so beautiful, the sun and the wind, clear skies and beautiful clouds, a day for us to reflect and thank God for all that we have. Steven's untimely passing brings home to all, an important message, and that is that we need to hold close the ones we love and to put our lives in a proper perspective. We are here but for a short Steven, we need to leave a legacy of "goodwill" and distribute that kindness and love that was so important to him...we are so fortunate to have his "brother" Wayne in our Chapter as an example of Steven's "goodwill." Mahalo to all who participated and for all who cared....we our and forever will be a "Band of Brothers and Sisters" who take care of our own........and so many others as well.
                                        Semper Fi       Monsoon

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