Monsoon Dispatch July 05

Volume 1 Edition 6 - 10 July 2005

Aloha My "Brother's and Sister's" and once again, "Welcome Home!" I want to thank all of you for your heartfelt letters, calls and emails that I received when many of you thought that I was possibly injured or sick when you did not receive your weekly "Dispatch!" Not the case, like my fellow colleagues, Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Ernie Pyle, it often becomes necessary to travel domestically and internationally, to bring to you, my faithful readers, the "cutting edge of the news."

I was "on the road" in search of just such events that make the "Monsoon Dispatch" the #1 journalistic paper in the Nation. My first stop was with my "Band of Brothers" from the Chapter to Laughlin, Nevada, to say "farewell" to our very own, Susan Murphy, now retiring for a well deserved R&R. She has been such a tremendous asset to our Veterans and their families in need and she will truly be missed by all Veterans across the Nation.. "Fair Winds and Following Sea's" for this beautiful lady. We did have the opportunity to meet and talk with George Stadler and his beautiful bride, who will assume the new duties and responsibilities of President and General Manager of the Ramada Express Hotel and Casino. He is a gentlemen who will look after and support our Veteran Community. Our second stop was Las Vegas, Nevada to pick up our second Operation Lift-Off Vehicle donated again, by the American Heroes Foundation, Ramada Express, Hotel and Casino. This second vehicle will extend the Chapter's Operation Lift-Off reach to Balboa and Camp Pendleton Naval Hospitals as well the VA Hospital at Scripps Ranch.

It was a good week with Directors, Officers and Members of your Chapter.....and now, your much awaited Award Winning "the Monsoon Dispatch," serving you proudly, both domestically and Internationally, my faithful readers and fans.....
Semper Fi from the Field....Monsoon

The 4th of July Parade was a hoot with many Chapter Members, Friends and Family enjoying a wonderful day, marching for those who couldn't. Chapter and SDIT Members, along with other Veterans of other wars, marched and passed out small flags to a grateful crowd from a grateful was truly a very moving thousands stood honoring our Veterans of all wars, conflicts and peacetime maneuver's........we thank you Huntington Beach for allowing us to participate in your outstanding annual parade......

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