VVA Chapter 201 - Newsletter www.nichecom.com/vva

OBSERVATION POST *May is Vet Appreciation Month* April 2009 We meet on 3rd Monday monthly (next on 4-20), at 7:30pm, held upstairs at American Legion Post 564, 2120 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, anyone is welcome. Pres: Barbara Johnston, 408-847-5477, barbj201@aol.com VP: Bob Beresford, 408-258-5205, bear1robert@sbcglobal.net Sec/Treas: Mike Shaw, 408-246-2288, poka513@comcast.net Annual VVA 201 elections will be held at our April 20 meeting, nominated= Pres: Bob Beresford, VP: open, Sec/Treas: Mike Shaw, 3 Yr Bd: Ted Hoppenrath.

11-11-2008 marked the 90th year Veterans have honored Armistice Day in San Jose. 10,000 attended the 1919 ceremony at St. James Park, boxing and dances followed. A parade became the norm in 1920. United Veterans Council of Santa Clara County began in 1922. UVC has organized the parade many years. Parade cost = $42,000. UVC is about $2000 in debt from 2008. Unless another $35,000+ funding is found by June 15, UVC can't sponsor a 2009 Vet Day Parade in San Jose: www.uvc-scc.org

County Veterans Service Office (SCC = 68 N. Winchester, Santa Clara, CA 95050, 408-553-6000) is where you should go for help with filing VA claims. All Vets should have a copy of their discharge papers or DD-214 on hand and inform their next-of-kin where it is, proof of military service is required for VA benefits: Request military records online: www.archives.gov/veterans/evetrecs Federal Benefits for Vets: http://www1.va.gov/opa/vadocs/current_benefits.asp

If you are a wartime Veteran with a limited income and are no longer able to work, you may qualify for a Vet Disability Pension or Pension for Vets 65 or older. Many Vets are unaware if they are 65 or older and on a limited income, they may qualify for a VA Pension without being disabled.

A surviving spouse should receive VA compensation or pension for the month of a Vet's death, contact: 1-800-749-8387, www.vba.va.gov/survivorsbenefit.htm

Free legal advice for seniors: 1-800-222-1753. Beware of GI Radio Network Tom Graver "sales job" offers, may be a scam. Wounded Warriors National Resource Dir: www.nationalresourcedirectory.org Congressionally-Chartered Vet Service Orgs: http://veterans.house.gov/links/ Dr Phil - Beyond the Front Lines (VA care): www.drphil.com/shows/show/1193 CA Vietnam Vet Memorial 20th Anniversary photos: www.cavietnammemorial.com Vietnam War Resources: www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Thomas.Pilsch/Vietnam. html Free "basic" estate planning documents for Vets: www.willsforvets.com Send a Free Postcard to Our Troops: www.letssaythanks.com/Home.html Submit Veteran biographies: www.honoraveteran.com Help a Vet: www.USAtogether.org

* Bingo every Thursday, 7-9pm, Palo Alto VA Auditorium, Building 101. Help is needed donating/serving refreshments to the hospitalized Vets. * Apr 18, 10am-4pm (arrive early), Vet/Military/Family Resource Fair, held at Nat Guard Armory, 251 W. Hedding St, San Jose, 408-993-0729, free parking. * Apr 25, 6pm, South Bay Blue Star Moms Spaghetti Feed, National Guard Armory, 251 W. Hedding St, San Jose, $10 each, www.southbaybluestarmoms.org * May 1-2, 5am, Wheelchair Salmon Fishing Derby, donations/help needed, Monterey Bay Veterans, 32 Cannery Row, Suite K, Monterey, CA 93940, 831-646-8324, mbvinc@pacbell.net, www.mbv.org * May 22, 11am-2pm, Veterans Appreciation Month Celebration, awards/food/info, Vet Center, 278 N. Second St, San Jose, 408-993-0729. * Ceremonies on Memorial Day May 25: 11am, Oak Hill Memorial Park, 300 Curtner Ave, San Jose. 11am, Golden Gate Nat Cemetery, 1300 Sneath Lane (along Fwy 280), San Bruno. 1pm, Oak Hill Field of Honor, 300 Curtner Ave, San Jose (hosted by VVA 201). 3:30pm, Central Park (near Veterans Memorial), 969 Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara.
