Chapter 391 Activities

Calendar of Events

Highway 108 Dedication

Calendar of events coming up:

January 3, 2006 – VVA Chapter 391 BOD meeting 7:00 PM Sonora Vets Hall
January 4, 2006 – TCVC BOD Meeting 7:30 PM Sonora Vets Hall
January 10, 2006 – VVA Chapter 391 General Meeting 6:00 PM food and refreshments. 7 PM meeting
January 18, 2006 – TCVC General Meeting 7:30 PM Sonora Vets Hall. Installation of 2006 officers
February 1, 2006 – TCVC BOD Meeting 7:30 PM Sonora Vets Hall
February 5, 2006 - American Legion Pancake Breakfast 8-11 AM Sonora Vets Hall
February 7, 2006 – Color Guard at the Tuolumne Veterans Hall for Garden Club 50th Anniversary
February 7, 2006 – VVA Chapter 391 BOD Meeting 7:00 PM Sonora Vets Hall
February 14, 2006 – VVA Chapter 391 Dinner/Meeting. Food at 6 PM. Meeting at 7 PM Sonora Elks lodge
February 15, 2006 – TCVC General Meeting 7:30 PM Sonora Vets Hall
March 3-5, 2006 – VVA California State Council Meeting Fresno

Check out the calendar on the web site:

Our membership continues to grow. In December, we signed in 6 new members. That brings our total membership to 151 and we have 54 Life members! We have found that the easiest way to get new members is to just ask a vet that was in the service between 1961 and 1975 to join us today. Try it... it works!!

Check out our first banner ad:

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1995 - 2006 ©
Vietnam Veterans of America
California State Council
P. O. Box 3007
Riverside, CA 92519-3007