Chapter 785 Christmas

Aloha Members, Family and Friends.............Chapter 785 was honored to host the Annual Christmas BBQ for our Nation's most treasured asset......our Veterans in the VA Hospital in Long Beach. Two and a half bands played for our Veterans. The Blue Grass Band and Laura the Guitarist, was provided by Stephen's Middle School's Counselor, Carolyn Terry. The second group, the Craig Mitchell Band, was provided by our very own Cornell........the half band of Dillon and Taylor, was provided by Sid.............thank you all for your generosity and "good will," for the Bands were awesome and the hospitalized Veterans loved the entertainment. To Binh Pham and your Community Church Members....God's graces will overwhelm you when you reach heaven......your "good will" will be returned 100 fold!  To all Chapter Members, Family and Friends who helped and supported this wonderful day.........God Bless you and thank you for your all that you are all the greatest! Semper Fi and God Bless All of You....Chapter 785 sends...

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carolyn_terry dottie_nieces genvogel
dday_hero cornell_hero bigband
outsidecrowd bluegrassband rufino_maria
cornell_vavets cornell_vavets2 dillon_taylor
binhpham_bbq michelle_dottie_carolyn bluegrassband2
sgtmajmike mike_and_girls mike_and_girls2
mike_and_girls3 elaine diana_visiting_rooms
kayla_cheyenne_visiting kids_visiting kids_visiting2
sgtmajmike_traffic blessourvets rudy_grandkids
rudy_asset kids_visiting4 notforgotten