Chapter 785 Wounded Marines 4

Aloha Members, Family, Friends and Fans and "Welcome Home" and to another "Special Edition" of the award winning journalistic masterpiece, "the Monsoon Dispatch." This special edition brings to you, the "Wounded Marine Luncheon," held at Marine Corps Base, 29 Palms on Friday, the 26th of August. Members of Chapter 785 joined outstanding members of the 1st Marine Division Association from Camp Pendleton and Phoenix, Arizona, honoring 81 Marines who served and were subsequently wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was a day of camaraderie and fellowship bringing together the "Old Breed" and the "New Breed." The luncheon was held at the Base Officers Club and Veterans from no less then eight conflicts were present sharing their stories, emotions, respect and experiences, serving and sacrificing for this great Nation. From the conflicts of the Pacific War during World War II, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, to the Korean War, the Pusan Perimeter, the Inchon landing and the Chosin Reservoir, to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Dominican Republic, Vietnam and the Gulf War, Iraq and less the 8 conflicts where our Marines participated were discussed. The mutual respect and admiration of all those Marines "talking story" and sharing their experiences was most moving and emotional! We also hosted an award winning journalist, Jenny Sokol, of the Orange County Register, who was moved by the tremendous outpouring of love and respect that these Marines held for each other....we are truly a "Band of Brothers!" A Mahalo to all those unsung heroes who supported this memorable event and a special Mahalo to the 1st Marine Division Association Members and Chapter 785 Members for their collaboration and support with making these events a joint venture where today's heroes are acknowledged, "Welcomed Home" and thanked for their service and their sacrifice.................
                                        Semper Fi        Monsoon

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