Chapter 785 - Gold Star Mom Visit

Aloha Members, Friends and Family....Chapter Members Bruce Pilch, Pete Sandro, Mike Miller and the Monsoon traveled to Pico Rivera today, to honor a Gold Star Mother of a Fallen Marine Corps Hero, Cpl. William Salazar. Gloria Salazar was presented a dozen red roses, symbolic of the courage and patriotism of her son, and a Gold Star flag, symbolic of the loss of her son in the liberation war for the people of Iraq. She can be proud of her son, for his character and integrity, courage and patriotism, and because of his sacrifice, millions of Iraqi's are now free, to pursue their dreams in happiness and freedom...your sacrifice William will never be forgotten by your "Band of Brothers" and by the Iraqi children who will grow to be old because of your sense of duty and love of mankind. God Bless you Gloria, you are a wonderful Mother and your son will forever watch over you and his Marines. It was your inspiration, modeling and positive guidance as a role model, that helped mold William into the gentleman and courageous warrior that he was on the day that he fell. He will be missed but never forgotten. We were honored to meet you, and will forever keep you in our prayers and thoughts.  Semper Fi Gloria...Chapter 785 sends...

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