Chapter 785 - Fall of Saigon Ceremony

Aloha Members, Family, Friends and Fans.........this morning, Chapter 785 participated with the Vietnamese Special Commandos of the Strategic Technical Directorate, Special Mission Service, in a Memorial Service honoring those fallen Vietnamese Commandos on the 30th Anniversary of the "Fall of Saigon." These outstanding warriors operated not only in the South but in North Vietnam and Cambodia as well. Chapter 785 was honored to participate and we thank Hoa Pham for honoring us with an invitation to participate with his "Vietnamese Brothers" on this very special occasion. We truly are a "Band of Brothers" as fellowship and camaraderie was shared by all this wonderful April morning. Mayor Frank Frye and Representative Loretta Sanchez also paid tribute to these Warriors and Veterans and we thank them for their participation.........our very own Frank Pangborn sang the National Anthem and Sgt. Paul Verner played taps. Semper Fi and enjoy the story through pics the pics........................Monsoon

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