Chapter 785 - Greg Esslair

Aloha Members, Family, Friends and services were held for our very own "gentle giant" Greg Esslair at Pacific View Memorial Park's "Garden of Valor."
It was a memorable service and in part because of Fran Motskins, Director of Pacific View, for providing us the "Garden of Valor" and to Zach who provided tremendous support, from start to finish, making this memorial service a most memorable one for Greg's family and friends. Mahalo to both of you for all that you have done for Chapter 785 and it's members. Today.........we traveled in time enjoying small glimpse's of Greg's life and how he touched so many in such a positive way. Greg will forever be remembered as that "giant" of "goodwill" and he was truly a "shepherd" of Christ....................To Gordan, Wanda, Roxanne and Jeff...Greg was a son and brother that you can truly be proud. He proudly served his Country in war time and his Community in peace time. He was so much to so many and that he will never be forgotten and will always be known as that giant of a man who truly cared and always helped with those in need. We were all proud and humbled to have known this great "gentle giant..................."

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