Chapter 785 Christmas 2005

Aloha Members, Family, Friends and's Christmas BBQ for "our Nation's hospitalized Veterans" was a moving moment for all and a Mahalo goes out to all who made this a special day for our hospitalized Vets. To those that participated and supported....your unselfish "gift" of "giving and sharing" will be forever remembered by so many who served and sacrificed. A special Mahalo to Ken, Len and Roger for all the hours that you put in to make this day so very special..."Job Well Done!" To Randy for your beautiful POW/MIA table for all to enjoy, to Principal Diane Brown, the "Stephen's Steel Drum Band" kids, Paula, Pat, Cory and Lauren....your support was awesome and your music....words can never express our gratitude. To Binh Pham and his beautiful family from the Vietnamese Saddleback Christian Church who provided the outstanding cuisine, you guys are awesome! To Gloria Perez, Julie and the "sock hop" personnel, your "gift" was truly special, the "socks" and the "Nativity scenes" will forever be remembered. To Chapter 785, Chapter 53, Chapter 756 and to all the RFTW Members who, along with the girl scouts and Justice Moore's grand kids, visited so many of the Veterans rooms and lightened their day with song and gifts. Everyone can be proud for today "we did take care of our own! To Rex Jennings and Richard Beam....Mahalo for all your support you both are a class act and there will be many more many to "thank you" to all that I may have missed. A special Mahalo to those that brought toys for our "Toy's for Tot's" program, we collected 65!  To those generous donors to"RFTW".....Arlie and Connie with $500.00, another $200.00 from Colonel "Tex" Wandke and $50.00 from the "sock hop" folks................ you are all to be congratulated!
So now, let's say it in pictures of which there will be many so as to not leave anyone out and that all can enjoy...God Bless you all, Semper Fi and Merry Christmas......Monsoon

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