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We wish to send our gratitude and thanks to Jim Burnotte, a modest "hero" who provided so many veterans at the "Wall" with a shoulder to lean on...........as they came to terms with their service.  Jim, of "Pointman Ministry" and member of our Chapter was a comforting soul at the "Wall" for many veterans, family members and students who sought out names of loved ones and information on the Vietnam War.  Jim could be found at the "Wall" at all hours and all days, rain or shine, and he was easily recognizable in his "go-cart."  Hundreds were moved during the playing of "taps" to see Jim rise on his seat to the position of attention.  Little wonder that so many were moved to see Jim's sacrifice during the war (loss of both legs, arm and eye) yet so full of enthusiasm for love of God, Country and Corps.  Jim is that quiet and reserved "Hero" who walks the talk and is always there for Veterans in need.  He is a tremendous asset and God's Shepherd to all those souls that he encounters, as he puts all of our lives, truly "in perspective."  We are all proud of him and our blessed to have him as a Chapter member...........God Bless you Jim for your service and sacrifice, all that you do for veterans and the community and for your character and integrity that sets the high standards for the rest of us to emulate.............