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a special thank you to Hoa and Binh, two of our brothers in our Chapter that have done so much for veterans and their families over the years.  Hoa and Binh have participated in many of our Chapter events and their participation with the "Moving Wall Experience" helped many American veterans visiting the "Wall" recount their stories of 'Nam with their Vietnamese allies.  Binh moved one particular Marine fighter pilot to tears when he told him that "he was a Vietnamese soldier, now an American citizen, and "Welcomed him Home." The pilot told Binh that in over 40 years nobody has ever welcomed him home and to hear it from a Vietnamese soldier turned American citizen was heartfelt and truly appreciated, both were brought to tears.  Binh and Hoa presented Fran Motzkin, Director of Pacific View Memorial Park, with a bronze statue of the Westminster War Memorial, to be added to the Moving Wall as it made it's travels across America.  Hoa and Binh are two of the most patriotic individuals that have embraced American Veterans and do whatever they can to help those veterans in need.  Binh's Church and parishioners cook quarterly for the veterans in the spinal cord wing and nursing home at the VA Hospital in Long Beach, visiting their rooms individually, bringing fellowship, prayer and much love to our veterans that have sacrificed so much.  Hoa has been an asset to the Chapter with his tireless efforts making the "Westminster War Memorial" a reality. In addition, Hoa has organized our Chapter every year into an honored place in the TET parade in "Little Saigon" where the Vietnamese Community make us feel welcomed and "like family." We salute you both for all that you do and we are proud to call you are friends and allies forever.....Semper Fi my brothers.