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About this version: The documents for this site were first created in Microsoft Word 6.0a and formatted with Internet Assistant. They were then imported into Navi Press's authoring package and finally modified with Adobe PageMill. There are many of you who can appreciate the following statement. "When do you stop editing?" Answer: "At the deadline." So, with this in mind, you will notice several improvements that could have obviously been made.

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You can find out more about the California Zephyr and its history below.

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For further information on copyright laws and how they affect multimedia, read the article on this subject we provide for your edification.

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With the first electronic edition of The California Zephyr, the California State Council also entered the realm of cyberspace on the Internet for the first time. These first articles composed for Electronic Publication originally appeared in the Summer 1995 issue. During the past three years of effort, The California Zephyr has not only won two national veteran publication awards, but also gained the distinction of being first in VVA as a publication on the Internet. It was first made available on America Online in the Military and Veterans club area. This made the award winning publication available to veterans, and others, around the globe.

Your feedback is highly desired, please correspond with us regarding your thoughts on issues and ideas. We always endeavor to keep The California Zephyr a well rounded publication. We also appreciate the fact you recognize a work in progress as all Web Pages must be ultimately.

1995 - 2009 ©
Vietnam Veterans of America
California State Council
P. O. Box 3007
Riverside, CA 92519-3007

The California Zephyr is the official publication of VVA Inc., California State Council, and does not necessarily represent the views of VVA, Inc., the California State Council or members of VVA, Inc.
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