Our highly trained VSOs interview, advise, and otherwise assist, veterans, and their families, in understanding and obtaining the benefits to which they are entitled.
Specifically, the VSO guides Veterans and their families through the complex processes and forms needed to establish and/or validate, their rights to veterans’ benefits.
Such benefits include, but are not limited to, pensions, education, insurance, hospitalization, home loans, medical, and burial.
Medical care includes mental health care for maladies such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Once the specific needs are identified, our VSOs assist the Veteran and/or their family members navigate through the myriad of paperwork required by Veterans Administration.
If you would like to help fund our VSO Program, click the Donate button on our Home Page or click below:
Here is the VSO presentation that was given by Karen Olszewski, CSC Veteran Service Officer, at the May 2013 CSC meeting in Fresno. The script is included that was used with the Power Point presentation.
Karen would like to know if those who attended learned anything new and if they will be sharing the info with their members? She would also like to know if her presentation was worthwhile. Let me know some answers.
This was Karen's second experience in doing a Power Point from start to finish and she did a very good job of it.
Karen works at the Long Beach VAMC and wrote claims that awarded veterans and their families, $2 Million this year.
Dick Southern,
Chief Service Officer VVA, CSC, Inc.
1995 - 2016 ©
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.
California State Council
P. O. Box 3007
Riverside, CA 92519-3007