VVA supports House Budget Committee mark for VA budget...

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VVA supports House Budget Committee mark for VA budget...

#1 Postby boardman » Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:52 pm

VVA supports House Budget Committee mark for VA FY2010 bduget

Vietnam Veterans of America
March 25, 2009

No. 09-07

Mokie Porter

VVA In Full Support of Budget Chairman Spratt's "Mark" in the House

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) expressed full support for the "Chairman's Mark," put forth by the Honorable John Spratt (S.C.) in the House of Representatives' Budget Committee today.

"While we had hoped to have more research funds for VA to compensate for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ignoring the health of veterans, and funding for Advanced Appropriations for VA, we are nonetheless very pleased that the Chairman has budgeted for full funding of the President's request. VVA appreciates that Chairman Spratt continues to make it possible, even in this difficult budget year amidst tough economic times, for the Appropriators to be able to properly fund healthcare and other vital services for veterans," said VVA National President John Rowan.

VVA has previously expressed gratitude to President Obama for the most generous budget for VA proposed by any President in at least 30-plus years. That the House budget resolution will make it possible to fully fund the President's budget request is cause for praise of the entire Leadership of the House, from Speaker Pelosi to Chairman Spratt.
Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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