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POW/MIA Update: September 25, 2008

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:58 am
by boardman
POW/MIA Update: September 25, 2008

AMERICANS ACCOUNTED FOR: There are now 1,749 US personnel listed by the Defense POW/MIA Office (DPMO) as missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. Listed as MIA in SVN on 5-18-71, the remains of Sgt. Timothy J. Jacobsen, USA, from CA, were recovered 6-7-95 and identified 3-24-08. The remains Captain James E. Cross of Ohio and Captain Gomer D. Reese, III, of NY, were recovered 4-9-07 and identified 7-18-08. Both US Air Force officers were listed as KIA/BNR in Laos on April 24, 1970. The accounting for these three brought to 834 the number of US personnel accounted for since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. 90+% of the 1,749 still listed as missing and unaccounted-for were lost in Vietnam or in areas of Laos and Cambodia under Vietnam’s wartime control.

PRESIDENT ADDRESSES VFW – AFFIRMS COMMITMENT TO POW/MIA ACCOUNTING: On August 20th, in Orlando, FL, President Bush repeated his longstanding commitment to continue priority accounting efforts. As part of his address, after noting passage of “a GI Bill for the 21st century,” he stated, “We also owe something to your brothers-in-arms who never returned home. We will always cherish the memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We will never stop searching until we can account for every missing soldier, sailor, airman, Coast Guardsman, and Marine.” Due to long-standing support and involvement, there obviously was applause from VFW members attending their national convention. Resolutions considered and passed that pertain to the POW/MIA issue are available from the VFW or from the League’s national office.

20-YEAR ASSESSMENT OF US-SRV COOPERATION & TECHNICAL TALKS HELD: Ambassador Charles Ray, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/MIA Affairs, hosted Vietnamese officials in Hawaii on September 17th for a one-day assessment of the last 20 years of POW/MIA accounting cooperation. (Though bilateral negotiations started in earnest in 1983, and the first joint excavation was conducted in North Vietnam in 1985, regularly scheduled field operations began in 1988, increasing once the Joint Task Force-Full Accounting (JTF-FA) was formed in 1992. JTF-FA evolved into the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, or JPAC, in 2003, merging with the former Central Identification Laboratory, or CIL, at that time.)

US participants included JPAC Commander RADM Donna Crisp, new JPAC Deputy Commander COL John Sullivan, USMC, the new Detachment 2 Commander LTC Todd Emoto, USA, plus several other senior DPMO and JPAC officials. At the invitation of the JPAC Commander, League Executive Director Ann Mills Griffiths also participated in the first session and associated social events. The head of the Vietnam Office for Seeking Missing Persons (VNOSMP) Ambassador Dao led the nine-member Vietnamese interagency delegation, many of whom were long known to the League Executive Director and some US officials.

The 20-year Assessment Meeting followed the twice yearly US-SRV Technical Talks that were hosted on September 16th by RADM Crisp to review the recently concluded 92nd Joint Field Activity (JFA) and plans for the 93rd and 94th JFAs, the latter scheduled to include the first ever use in accounting efforts of a US Navy hydrographic survey vessel.

UPDATE ON JPAC OPERATIONS: The 92nd Joint Field Activity (JFA) in Vietnam begun June 11th ended with the August 9th return of one Recovery Team (RT) that was extended for several days in an effort to complete excavation at one site. A brief ceremony, attended by US Ambassador to Vietnam Michael Michalak, was held prior to the earlier redeployment of the JPAC teams to honor five US personnel whose remains may be among those recovered and repatriated.

The 45-day work period included five RTs, one Phase Two Testing Team (P2T), one Investigation Team (IT), one Underwater Investigation Team (UIT), one Research and Investigation Team (RIT) and one Vietnam Office for Seeking Missing Persons (VNOSMP) unilateral recovery team in a restricted area where US personnel are not allowed. According to press reports, the “blood chit” of Major Bobby M. Jones, USAF, was discovered at a site believed to be the location of the downed F4 in which he was listed as MIA. While such information is not routinely available this quickly, Major Jones’ sister, League Board Chairman Jo Anne Shirley, publicly commented on these details as being a source of great relief to her and her family. The next 45 day JFA in Vietnam is scheduled for October 18th to December 1st.

In Laos, working level POW/MIA talks recently took place in Vientiane. Led by LTC Brandt Deck, USA Special Forces, Detachment 3 Commander, the talks included officials from JPAC headquarters and DPMO. The 105th JFA in Laos extended over a 30-day period and concluded at the end of July. Five RTs operated in northern Laos, in Houaphan and Xiengkhoang Provinces. Joint field operations are scheduled to resume In Laos on October 18th, ending on November 20th.

Two Recovery Teams (RTs) recently concluded operations in Germany and France, and an Underwater Investigation Team (UIT) was scheduled to complete a mission in Newfoundland, Canada. In South Korea, an IT deployed on September 6th and was to conclude operations today, September 25th. Also in Europe, a JPAC anthropologist recently completed assisting the US Army Mortuary Affairs Activity-Europe in the disinterment of US remains from the Ardennes American Cemetery, Neupre, Belgium. These unknown remains were sent to JPAC’s laboratory in Hawaii for forensic analysis.

NATIONAL POW/MIA RECOGNITION DAY – SEPTEMBER 19, 2008: The number of ceremonies across the country, as well as at US Embassies in Southeast Asia, was impossible to track accurately, but there were thousands. The national ceremony was held at the Pentagon, hosted by Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff LTG General James E. Cartwright, USMC. The guest speaker was U.S. Representative Ike Skelton (D-MO), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. A multi-service flyover of fixed wing aircraft and Army helicopters completed the program. The 2008 poster was unveiled at the League’s 39th Annual Meeting and distributed in limited number, but is still available to the general public by calling 703-699-1131. A recording will inform the caller of information needed to prompt a shipment of posters. A second way to order is to visit the DPMO web site at <> and look at the link on the home page with instructions on how to order. There are still some 2007 posters, and ordering is the same. Reportedly, the posters were again ordered in both the large and small sizes.

COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC): The League has been certified as having successfully met the stringent criteria for the 2008 campaign. Our official number is the same as last year, #10218, assigned by the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Washington, DC. The League is the ONLY nonprofit organization representing American POW/MIAs, KIA/BNRs and their families eligible for donations through CFC & United Way. Despite the reality of many competing charities and much need, especially in a time of war, the League is proud of our eligibility, due to tough requirements that must be met and is in urgent need of tax-deductible donations. The League is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization; Federal Tax ID #23-7071242.

PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE 40TH ANNUAL MEETING JULY 22-25, 2009: Next year’s annual meeting promises to be special in many ways, including commemorating over 35 years since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, and over 40 years since the League was formed May 28, 1970.

Governmental transitions are taking place, and there will be much to discuss and decide in terms of the League’s and the issue’s future. Importantly, it will also be the first year of a new administration. Any such political turmoil brings with it many changes in leadership and focus that, hopefully, will benefit the issue, but require close attention and actions by all members.

Please do your part and start planning now to participate, arriving early if possible to call on Members of Congress and visit meaningful sites in Washington BEFORE the important sessions start on Thursday, July 23rd. COIN Assist transportation is anticipated.