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Women Veteran of the Year Nominations Requested from CalVet

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:07 pm
by boardman
CalVet Requests Nominations for Women Veterans of the Year 2010

The California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) invites the public to nominate local women veterans who have compiled a record of exemplary service as military service members, as veterans, and as outstanding members of the community for recognition as one of two 2010 CalVet Women Veterans of the Year. Two women veterans will be selected, one for Northern and one for Southern California. The CalVet Women Veterans of the Year will be officially recognized during the CalVet Women Veterans Conference taking place October 7th and 8th this year in Clovis, CA.

These awards are part of CalVet's ongoing effort and commitment to respond to women veterans' issues where women veterans live, work, and enjoy the freedoms of our great country, and to encourage greater participation in the annual women veterans' conferences.

Nominations will be accepted from any California resident. CalVet especially encourages submissions from veterans, Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs), County Veterans Service Officers (CVSOs), and other veterans groups. Completed nomination forms must be received by September 10, 2010.

The forms must be submitted in writing and the narrative explaining why the veteran is being nominated for the award may not exceed 500 words in length. Nominations that are not selected may be retained for future award consideration at the discretion of the committee.

Nomination forms (attached to this news release) are also available online at or by calling (916) 653-2551 to request the forms be emailed, faxed, or mailed to you. Forms can be requested by mail at:

Women and Minority Veterans Affairs
California Department of Veterans Affairs
1227 O Street, Room 300
Sacramento, CA 95814