Someone needed to be on TV for an interview about Vietnam

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Someone needed to be on TV for an interview about Vietnam

#1 Postby boardman » Sat May 30, 2015 8:55 am

I need someone to be on TV for an interview about Vietnam

I do a lot of TV interviews so I get these calls: Univision (the Spanish Channel) is doing a piece on the Vietnam War and their reported traveled there and saw the Tunnels of Cu Chi. She wants to interview multiple Vietnam vets. They don’t have to have been in Cu Chi, but that’s helpful.

Univision now does interviews in English and leaves those in English, so you won’t even be subtitled.

Please contact the journalist directly and cc me. Her contact info is: Nancy Lemus,, 562-320-3738

Jim Cragg President S.O.Tech Inc
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"See You On The Other Side"

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