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DVA FY10 Budget Passes House 415-3

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:51 pm
by boardman
Department of Veterans Affairs FY10 budget passes House of Representatives 415-3

July 10, 2009 - 2:06 p.m.
House Passes Boost in Veterans' Spending
By Matthew M. Johnson, CQ Staff

The House on Friday passed a $133.7 billion spending bill that boosts funding for veterans benefits in fiscal 2010, and includes some advance funding for fiscal 2011.

The measure, which passed 415-3, also contains funding for military construction projects and other activities of the Veterans Affairs Department.

"With passage of this fiscal year 2010 bill, the Congress will have increased veterans health care and benefits funding by 58 percent in the past two and a half years," said Chet Edwards, D-Texas, the chairman of the Military Construction-Veterans' Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee. "This is an unprecedented increase in Congress' commitment to veterans, and in my book, our veterans have earned every dime of this funding."

Zach Wamp, R-Tenn., the ranking Republican on the panel, echoed strong support for the legislation, but added that he continues "to be concerned about the ability of the [department] to absorb large funding increases provided in this bill."

Wamp also asked Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey, D-Wis., and Edwards to insist on holding a conference committee with the Senate to resolve differences between the two bills.

The Senate Appropriations Committee finished work on a $133.9 billion companion bill July 7.
The House bill (HR 3082) would appropriate about $77.9 billion in discretionary spending, roughly 7 percent more than fiscal 2009 (PL 110-329) levels and $239 million more than the White House requested.
Before passing the bill, the House adopted by voice vote six amendments, including provisions that would:
redirect $3.5 million to the Office of National Veterans' Sports Programs and Special Events from the department's medical support and compliance account, offered by Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Filner, D-Calif.
require the department to provide Congress with a report on the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy at veterans' medical facilities, by Pete Sessions, R-Texas,
shift $1 million to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims for free legal services and reduce the account for the Office of Inspector General by the same amount, by Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va.
The spending measure would provide roughly $108.9 billion for the department, about 14 percent above the amount enacted for fiscal 2009, and equal to President Obama's request. Of that, $53 million would be discretionary spending, roughly 8 percent more than in fiscal 2009 and $2.9 billion more than the administration's request.

The spending measure would also set aside $48.2 billion for three veterans medical accounts in fiscal 2011, about 8 percent more than it would appropriate for fiscal 2010. The idea is to give decision makers foreknowledge about future funding levels so plans can be made with greater confidence.

Under the bill, the Defense Department would get $24.6 billion for accounts related to military construction projects, family housing, base realignment and closures. That represents about a 12 percent decrease.
Relate agencies - such as the American Battle Monuments Commission - would get $282.5 million, roughly 36 percent greater than in fiscal 2009.

The White House has expressed support for the House-passed version of the bill, but took issue with incremental funding for several military projects, including a new data center for the National Security Agency.
Source: CQ Today Online News
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