VVA Condemns Disrespect of Vietnam Veteran John McCain

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VVA Condemns Disrespect of Vietnam Veteran John McCain

#1 Postby boardman » Sat May 12, 2018 10:05 am

VVA Condemns Disrespect of Vietnam Veteran John McCain

May 11, 2018 No. 10

Mokie Porter

VVA Condemns Disrespect of Vietnam Veteran John McCain

(Washington, D.C)--“The recent comments about Senator McCain from Kelly Sadler and Thomas McInerney are profoundly disrespectful and offensive, and they both ought to be ashamed,” said John Rowan, President of Vietnam Veterans of America. “After serving his country in a time of war, refusing release as a POW without his comrades, and then dedicating his life to public service, John McCain deserves far better than to be insulted in this way -- especially from a White House official and a fellow veteran.”

Yesterday, the White House did not dispute Sadler's comments, that Senator McCain “[doesn't] matter,” because “he's dying anyway,” nor did the White House announce any action to show that these comments crossed the line.

Former Fox News military analyst Thomas McInerney falsely claimed yesterday that torture “worked” on Senator McCain, and this is demonstrably untrue. McInerney has a long history of spreading false information and lies, and despite this, was still given an opportunity to amplify his preposterous views on television.

“When someone in the White House says a Vietnam veteran doesn’t matter, because he’s dying of brain cancer, that individual should have his employment terminated. There are thousands of Vietnam veterans going through the same health issues related to Agent Orange, and their families are suffering with them,” said Rowan. “As an organization, we have had our disagreements with Senator McCain, but he will always be one of our brothers. What Sadler and McInerney have said will not be forgotten, as it reveals an incredible lack of respect for the service and sacrifice of every veteran, and their relationships with the White House and Fox News should be severed immediately.”
Boardman & Webmaster
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