Dr. David Shulkin sworn in today as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs

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Dr. David Shulkin sworn in today as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs

#1 Postby boardman » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:31 am

Dr. David Shulkin sworn in today as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Vietnam Veterans of America

February 14, 2017

As reported by CQ Roll Call today, Vice President Mike Pence swore in David Shulkin as the new secretary of the Department of Veterans affairs Tuesday afternoon, following Shulkin's unanimous confirmation vote in the Senate Monday night.

The top four veterans' program authorizers in Congress attended Shulkin's swearing-in ceremony: Senate Veterans' Affairs Chairman Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and the committee's top Democrat Sen. Jon Tester of Montana, as well as House Veterans' Affairs Chairman Phil Roe, R-Tenn., and the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Tim Walz of Minnesota.

"I know President Trump and I have full faith that you will honor this service," Pence said, shortly before administering the oath of office.

Shulkin was President Donald Trump's first nominee to receive a 100-0 vote on confirmation, which Pence noted. Shulkin was the first non-veteran the Senate has confirmed to lead the VA since the top job became a Cabinet-level position in 1989.

The show of broad support for Shulkin provided a rare moment for lawmakers to come together during a deeply partisan confirmation process for most of Trump's Cabinet. Shulkin previously was appointed to the top role at the Veterans Health Administration by President Barack Obama in 2015 and was confirmed to that post by the full Senate on a voice vote.
Boardman & Webmaster
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Re: Dr. David Shulkin sworn in today as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs

#2 Postby boardman » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:54 am


I am grateful to President Trump and to Members of Congress for entrusting me with the privilege of serving Veterans and the dedicated employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs as your Secretary. It is my highest professional honor.

Together, we'll ensure our Nation's obligation to provide care and benefits to those "who shall have borne the battle" and fulfill our institutional I-CARE Values: Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence.

That obligation and those values are sacred to me, first, as an American - a beneficiary of the service and sacrifices of Veterans and their families who defend our uniquely American freedoms and opportunities. They're also sacred to me because my father served the Nation as an Army psychiatrist, and both my grandfathers were Army Veterans. My paternal grandfather served as Chief Pharmacist at the VA hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, and as a young doctor, I trained in VA hospitals. So, serving the Nation and serving Veterans is a family tradition.

It was a privilege to serve as VA's Under Secretary for Health over the past year and a half. Now, I look forward to continuing our collective efforts across the Department and our country to deliver the care and services our Veterans need and deserve. Among many critical efforts already underway, we will continue building on significant progress increasing access for Veterans, preventing suicide, addressing unique needs of women Veterans, supporting Veterans' families and caregivers, continuing to drive down the disability backlog and Veteran homelessness, and pursuing necessary legislation to reform the outdated appeals process and for other critical legislative priorities.

With the support of the President, Congress, Veterans, their service organizations, and the American people, we - the dedicated employees of VA - will continue to fulfill President Lincoln's promise.

There is no nobler mission. There is no higher calling for any American. I am humbled and proud to serve with you.

David J. Shulkin, M.D.
Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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