Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day - 2013

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Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day - 2013

#1 Postby boardman » Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:44 pm

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day - 2013

Hola folks, I have some information I think most of you will find interesting. Over the past few months I have been meeting with a wonderful and very determined young lady by the name of Laurie Baker. She approached PBS SoCal Broadcasting, before she contacted me. Her goal was to find a way to acknowledge the service of the VN Veterans. She said every time she Goggled ideas for this event, she came up with our WHVVD web site.

She set up a meeting with the people that run PBS SoCal and included me in that meeting, hoping perhaps I might give some suggestions to help her achieve this goal. PBS loved her idea. Then she ran with it.
Laurie mostly works by herself, she is a force all on her own. Even as a Veteran, I would feel uncomfortable
getting in her way.

She worked tirelessly for months, we met with PBS a couple of times and discussed many ideas and venues. We visited many sites, trying to find the one that would host as many Veterans and citizens as possible and still give it the dignity of being a day to welcome home and honor the Vietnam Veteran.

After all her work and efforts, a large PBS SoCal-WHVVD gathering is going to take place at Grand Park, Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday May 18, 2013. The date is set, now she is working hard to finalize the schedule of the events to take place on May 18.
She is and has been very, very determined to bring The Traveling Vietnam Wall to L.A. for the first time ever. Her wish is to have ALL VN Veterans present, the living and the fallen, to celebrate their Welcome Home!

Slowly but surely, she will send me more information on the actual schedule, but while we wait for more details, please begin to share the news.
I feel this to be a very important event for all Veterans, regardless of when we served, this I think will bring some closure to the mistakes of the past and perhaps help all of us to remember to not allow it to happen again in the future.

PBS will soon begin to air some segments [sometime between now and May 18] about some of the Veterans who served and about the VN War itself.

As I get more info I will relay them to you and the other on our email list, meanwhile I attached her updated deck about the event in May. I hope you can open it.

I am really hoping for a large turnout this year to both events. This is of a much larger significance than just a gathering, to me this is America doing what it should do anytime any group of Warriors come home.

Be Aware There Are No Changes To Our Annual WHVVD Gathering At Cal High In Whittier On Saturday April 13, 2013. If you are going to host a booth this year at Cal HS, now is the time to send in your request.

Thank you and welcome home.

José G. Ramos
Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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Posts: 3959
Age: 75
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:16 pm
VVA Chapter: 47
Location: So. Cal.

Re: Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day - 2013

#2 Postby boardman » Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:38 am

Boardman & Webmaster
"See You On The Other Side"

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