Bush Supports Commercial Development of VA Land in Los Angeles


A provision to restrict commercial use of the Westside campus was dropped under threat of veto, supporters say.

Bill omits ban on developing VA campus. A provision to restrict commercial use of the Westside campus was dropped under threat of veto, supporters say.

By the time it passed Congress last week, the $120-billion emergency war spending bill was missing some language that would have cheered Westside residents who fear that the vast West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs campus is destined for private development.

The language, which congressional negotiators had earlier agreed to include, would have barred the federal Department of Veterans Affairs from selling, leasing or otherwise transferring parts of the 388-acre property for commercial development.

Late in the game, however, the White House Office of Management and Budget said President Bush would veto the legislation unless the VA provision was removed, congressional sources said Friday.

"This was an unfortunate setback in our efforts to make sure that veterans get the best care possible," Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles) said in a statement Friday, "but I'm going to continue to fight…. This land is dedicated for veterans, and we are going to make sure that commitment is honored."

The omission of the VA provision was first reported Thursday by the National Journal's Congress Daily, which said OMB Director Rob Portman weighed in and succeeded in stripping the provision, along with some others, from the legislation. Congress Daily quoted Waxman as saying the language had come out "at the insistence of the administration."

A call to the OMB's press office Friday was not returned.

The spending legislation provides funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gulf Coast hurricane recovery efforts, children's healthcare and drought relief. Its passage ended a bitter showdown between Congress and Bush over the Iraq war.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, who had traveled to Washington to promote the effort to protect the VA property, said the provision's removal was disappointing and was further indication that the government wants to commercially develop the land.

Residents say commercial development at the property, on both sides of Wilshire Boulevard west of the 405 Freeway, would worsen congestion and take away from the campus' chief mission: to serve veterans.

"We have had the belief from Day One that this administration was hellbent on optimizing the use of that VA land for revenue-producing purposes," Yaroslavsky said in an interview. "The action taken by the White House in demanding that this be on the list of strikeouts is consistent with that view."

U. S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who also backed the provision, agreed, saying the government wants to use "enhanced leases," long-term leases that she and others say could lead to parcels' being sold to private developers.

The VA has proposed in recent years to partner with private entities to operate facilities on the property, such as the existing golf course and a YMCA, which would provide a wellness center and a cardiac rehab facility. Opponents of such ideas fear that the arrangements could lead to unfettered development.

Bill Brew, a Senate staff member who has been familiar with VA campus issues for three decades, said he doubted that the federal government could ever overcome the broad community and political opposition to commercial development for this "highly desirable" property. In addition to Waxman and Feinstein, opponents of development include area property owners and homeowners groups, the county Board of Supervisors, the Los Angeles City Council and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

"I just don't see the property at risk," Brew said, "even though there are plenty of developers in Los Angeles who would love to get their hands on it."

He noted that the deed for the property, which was donated by private citizens, states that it is to be used for veterans. If the White House chooses to fight that provision, he said, it "would lose on the merits every which way from Sunday."

Feinstein and Waxman vowed to continue to press their efforts to fend off private development and to require the government to prepare a master plan for the campus. Each recently introduced stand-alone legislation, and those bills are still in play.

martha. groves@latimes.com

Please visit Veterans for Common Sense at http://www.veteransforcommonsense.org

Choosing a fast buck over help for veterans Steve Lopez

May 30, 2007

Coming soon, perhaps, to a bottleneck near you:

More skyscrapers, more condos, more retail.

Where? At one of the busiest intersections in Southern California - Wilshire Boulevard and the 405.

Yes, it's the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs property.

What, you thought the VA might expand services to accommodate the legions of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with medical and mental maladies?

That would make sense, especially given the fact that bomb-rattled veterans now sleep on the street and in parks just a few miles from long-abandoned buildings on the shamefully under-utilized property. But VA administrators appear to be headed in another direction, and their long-secret intentions have never been more clear than they were over Memorial Day weekend - of all weekends.

That's when local officials learned that a ban on private development of the Wilshire site didn't make it into a war-spending bill, at the behest of the Bush administration.

"I think there's an army of developers and their consultants in Washington who see an opportunity to make a lot of money, and this VA and the [Bush] administration is hell-bent on giving them that opportunity," said Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.

Although the VA has been tight-lipped about its plans for the property, Yaroslavsky says VA brass have in recent years talked about "optimizing the use of the land," which means selling it off because of the top dollar it would bring.

Yaroslavsky said the VA has signaled that it might circumvent zoning restrictions by leasing land to private developers before selling it to them. So Donald Trump, for instance, could conceivably build a high-rise hotel on leased VA land and later buy the property outright.

Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Sen. Dianne Feinstein have bills pending that would ban such comm ercialization and require a plan for expanded veteran services. Waxman's office said Tuesday that he'll send a letter to the VA secretary reiterating his position and urging him to move ahead with plans for a housing program for homeless vets.

Is it possible, I asked Yaroslavsky, that the VA has a brilliant plan to increase services nationwide by selling this property? (I tried to ask the VA this question, but was told no one could get back to me Tuesday.)

"And what do they sell the following year?" Yaroslavsky asked. Besides, he said, that land was dedicated in the late 1800s to exclusive use by veterans, and Congress reiterated that intent in 1998.

As Yaroslavsky and Waxman point out, California has the nation's largest population of veterans, and roughly a half-million of them live within 50 miles of the West L. A. VA center. That's reason enough to do right by those who have sacrificed for the country rather than clutter an outrageously congested area with another Cineplex or Costco.

As it is, some buildings are in bad shape and some are empty, and the VA has allowed an Enterprise car rental agency and a bus company to lease space on the 388-acre site.

"There are vacant buildings that could be used for therapy, housing, vocational rehabilitation, life skills training - all the things a vet would need to transition back into civilian life," said Keith Jeffreys, president of Citizens for Veterans' Rights.

Unless the staff at Enterprise is trained to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, it's hard to understand what the VA is thinking.

Daniel M. Ortiz Department Service Director Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S. 11000 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 5204 Los Angeles, CA 90024 (310) 235-7129 (310) 575-9722 Fax www.vfwca.org

"West LA Gate"

By Al Biernesser
A week or so ago I received a disturbing phone call from a Vietnam Veteran and Member of VVA who had just received information about a long standing issue, The "Land Grab" at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center. He informed that the Brentwood Homeowners Association also know as the Veterans Park Preserve has made a political move to secure 45 acres of land on the VA West LA property for a "Veterans Memorial Park". By resolution this issue is opposed by Vietnam Veterans of America (V-11-97) since the 1992 VVA National Convention in Burlingame, CA.
Who is the "Veterans Park Preserve"(VPP) and why do they want to spend their own money to build parks and beautify the facility, and why would VVA National oppose the building of a "Memorial Park" at the West LA facility?
The VPP is comprised of mostly home owners from the area surrounding the VA Medical Center. What is the most interesting is that the committee has changed faces since 1989 when this first began, it is still headed up by Sue Young as Executive Director but the "Board of Directors" is now made up of mostly retired military, not all of whom live in Brentwood. The President (William M. Belding, US Navy SEAL Team ONE) lives in Venice, CA. but he is rumored to be a friend and former comrade of Senator Kerry. The "Executive Committee" consist of Sue Young, President, Gerald Oppenheimer (USAF Ret.), Mrs. Donnald Petroni, Sandy Krause, Mrs. Charles Wick and Nancy Z. Freedman. Sue Young is also the President of the Brentwood Homeowners Association. There is also a connection of VPP members and UCLA. UCLA has been using the VAMC property for many years at little or no cost or benefit to Veterans. By California law to be called a veteran organization one must have veterans on the board of directors or executive committee, this is why veterans are now involved in the VPP. When the VPP was first formed it had almost no veteran involvement.
The Veterans Park Preserve is a group made up of primarily Brentwood homeowners, with a goal of isolating their homes from the Veterans who use the facility to enhance their property value. This is a Quote from a memo of the Brentwood Homeowners Association's ISSUES FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING. "The following are some of the questions which must be addressed in developing a strategic plan to save the land and to secure permanent, irrevocable permission to proceed with the VPP project". Further in the memo "The Day Care Center is another potential area. We must remember that all political decisions are trades. We must be seen to offer something they (Veterans) need, not only as a group interested in protecting our own back yard". In their business plan under strategies for the future, I quote "The board should continue to keep elected officials informed and to solicit their written endorsements. Most outside competition can be prevented with careful cultivation of political forces". As anyone can plainly see this group has motives to utilize the land to their own best interest, property values are their main concern. The only veterans they would like to see are dead veterans.
Vietnam Veterans of America does not oppose the building of Memorials to honor the Men and Women who fought and died for their Country, what they do oppose is people coming in under the disguise of a veterans organization to take the land use away from the veterans who are entitled to use it. This land in West Los Angeles was granted to the Government on March 3rd. 1888. In the land grant deed it states "that a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers be established, constructed and permanently maintained for the use of Disabled Veterans". If this land is used to build Memorial Parks then disabled and homeless veterans will never be able to use this land again. Another issue is, what if the descendants of the former owners decide to take this issue to court because of a breach of contract due to the fact that this land is not being used for it's original intent? Can they the family take it back? The value of this land is approximately $5,000,000.00 per acre. If the family were to win in court then both the VPP Brentwood Homeowners and all Los Angeles Veterans would loose.
In the last meeting I was invited to with Herschel Gober at the West Los Angeles VAMC, he promised that the all the VPP wanted was to beautify Wilshire Boulevard. Less than six months later the VPP is in Congress asking for 45 acres for a "Memorial Park". I was leery about the decision to "let them improve the looks of the front of the National Cemetery and Hospital", but the decision was made and the deal was signed. The VPP gave something to get something. And this is what they are doing now. They are building a Veterans Memorial Park on 45 acres and tomorrow they will be building "Veterans" tennis courts (1+ acre), "Veterans" soccer field (2+ acres), "Veterans" women's softball diamond (1 1/2+ acres) "Veterans" tennis locker rooms (1 1/2+ acres), "Veterans" baseball diamond (4+ acres) and don't forget the "Veterans" parking which will take up 4 1/2+ acres and "Veterans" storage another 2+ acres. The more the VPP builds the less real estate there is for a Veterans Home. Actually when you add all of this up it comes to about 90 acres, this plan does not interfere with the Veterans Memorial park it borders the "Veterans Recreational Facility" to the West. I did not make any of this up this is from the VPP's master plan.
What Veteran Organizations want is a Veterans Home on this property. The original one was vacated in 1972 after the Silmar earthquake, it has never been rebuilt since. If the VPP have their way the entire North end of the property will be filled up with Memorial Parks and "Veteran Recreational Facilities". These facilities will be built with money donated by the Brentwood Homeowners and the Brentwood School. These facilities will become like the Jacky Robinson Memorial baseball diamond on the facility. For a veterans group to use the baseball diamond they must call UCLA for an appointment. UCLA mowes the lawn for the rent on this land. The Brentwood School has pledged to build six championship tennis courts on the north end of the property and "donate them to the VA". This land is across the street from the Brentwood School approximately a half mile or more from the hospital. This distance does not allow most Veterans the ability to use the facility, and how many disabled and homeless veterans want to or can play tennis.
We must stop the Veterans Park Preserve or the Brentwood Homeowners Association now. If you stop one you stop the other they are one in the same. If they win now we may never see a Veterans home in the Los Angeles Basin, an area where more United States Veterans live that anywhere else in the world.
What is needed now is for each and every veteran that feels that this is wrong to E-Mail, write or call your Congressional Represenative (You'll find a complete listing at this link for all Congress and Senate) and tell them that you are against this misuse of land. Let them know that veterans care about what happens to this property. Let's stop the land grab now.

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Vietnam Veterans of America
California State Council
13760 Cordary Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250-7411