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just a short note to once again thank our tremendous speakers for the "Moving Wall Experience."  Justice Eileen Moore spoke during the opening ceremonies of her time as an Army Nurse in Vietnam and her words were heartfelt and very moving. She was a crowd pleaser during the service songs with her rendition of the Corps, the Corps........the Army Nurse Corps! Director Justice Moore is a tremendous asset to our Chapter and we are all very proud of her, her achievements, and her dedication and love of Veterans in need.     We also thank Director Gary Colletti for his speech during the candlelight service.......they were words from the heart.  Gary had lost his beloved mother the previous week and I listened to his homily during the services. He spoke of his deployment to Vietnam and the one person that gave him the courage to endure, do his duty and return home...it was his Mother.  Gary again spoke of his service in Vietnam and how we all must rise to the occasion when we see a veteran and thank him for his service and "Welcome Him Home....."  Thank you Gary for your wonderful and inspirational words............     Last on the list and not to be forgotten is our new Chapter President, SgtMajor Mike Miller USMC.  Mike took the words of the "Pledge of Allegiance" and beautifully wove those words into everyday practices that we must all adhere to.  Mike is a veteran of the podium having spoken at the Santa Ana September 11th event as the keynote speaker. He held the crowd, riveted with his words and they were profound!  Thank you SgtMajor for a "Job Well Done," for your service to your Country and now, for your service as our Chapter President................you will take the Chapter to new heights helping Veterans in need.