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a heartfelt thank you to both Director Bruce Pilch and Director Rudy Flores of Operation Lift-Off.  You both have spent many hours of planning, coordinating and participating in the "Moving Wall Experience."  Your unselfish and tireless efforts with supporting the "Wall" and the many veterans that visited was truly a "Noble Cause."  Your efforts were appreciated and your assistance to those "vets" in need was inspirational and heartfelt.  Your words to those vets and their families will forever be appreciated by them and their loved ones on the "Wall."  Your efforts represent "the Band of Brothers" creed that we all live and breathe.  You two are an asset to our Chapter and your responsibilities with Operation Lift-Off, though daunting, speaks of your character, integrity and "can do" attitude putting veterans first before your own personal agendas.  You set the example for all other Chapter members to emulate.  Rudy, your family is wonderful and their support of the "Wall" with their representation show just how lucky you are to have such a warm and supporting family, you are truly blessed!  The Chapter, Community and hundreds of Veterans and their families thank you again for your love of God, Country and Corps.