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what cannot be said of "Irish John!" He was without a doubt one of the most "treasured assets" during the entire Moving Wall Memorial event. John and his son Cameron (sp) worked tirelessly, 24/7, preparing meals for the volunteers from morning, noon and nite, to include late meals for the "watches." He was always "on hand" ensuring that coffee, drinks, juices, cocoa, rolls, doughnuts, cereal, snacks, etc., were on hand. and if someone requested a veggie meal, he was there providing it!  The "hot meals" in the evenings were to die for and his is without a doubt, one of OC's greatest chefs. "Volunteering" the word was coined for "Irish John."  His positive and upbeat humor mingled with the brogue of the Irish, had us all upbeat, relaxed and in "good spirits" from the emotional ups and downs that we encountered throughout the event. John is the epitome of "can do" and was asked many times to correct or fix something gone wrong and "it happened."  Many Chapter members stood longer watches and opted to spend the nite, cold and rain be damned, waiting for "Irish John's" outstanding cuisine. He definitely made the long and emotional hours much easier to handle with his outstanding meals and conversation. He said it was an "honor" to be part of this event and what he did was little.......I disagree, what he did was awesome and he has made the Chapter proud to call him, "one of our own." I must at this time mention his lovely bride Ruby, a member of the staff of Pacific View Memorial Park. Ruby was a stalwart and constant provider of organizational skills, participation and support that equaled none. She was an integral part of every facet from building to taking down. She worked tirelessly but with pride and love for the work that she was doing. She was always there providing the means with which to make this "Moving Wall Experience" be just that, a wonderful and moving experience for all.........Ruby, you are blessed with a wonderful husband and son, and you have an entire Chapter added to your family.  We will always be indebted to you and yours and should you ever need anything, you have one hell of bunch of veterans at your beck and call........a very special thank you to you and "Irish John" and your son who seemed to always pitch in........you guys are the greatest!  Semper Fi to a wonderful family of supporters for veterans causes.