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another great one, Director Greg Young.............who walks the talk!  Greg is an integral part of our Chapter, the "wise man" if you will, whose steadfast devotion to veterans and their needs is put above all other priorities.  Greg can be counted on to lend his wise council to all the events that the Chapter puts on or participates in. His common sense approach and to keep it simple made the "Moving Wall Experience" a participation of love, camaraderie and fellowship vice a chore.  We never lose sight of the mission with Greg at the helm and we have learned that the mission is "Veterans" not our own personal agenda's. Greg we thank you for your participation in the "Moving Wall Experience," it was an emotional high that will remain with us for quite some time. The evening and early morning hours "talking story" bonded us all further as a "Band of Brother." Thank you for your dedication to and for veterans, for setting the example for others to emulate, for pointing us in the right direction when we seem to be floundering and for being there for each and every one of us when troubled or in need of a friend.  You have set the high-water mark for this Chapter, and even though we have not reached it, we are proud to have your council and steerage at the helm. You are the 'Captain" of the ship sir, and we are proud to serve under your command..............Semper Fi my friend