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two of the hardest working individuals of the entire event.  Jeanette Chervony and Elaine Mackey.  Jeanette lost her dad in Vietnam (Sgt. Eddie Chervony, who was a hero of the war. A recipient of the Nations second highest award for valor, the DSC, Sgt. Chervony also held the Silver Star and Purple Heart Medal among numerous other decorations.)  We were proud to have Jeanette, his daughter and a member of SDIT (Sons and Daughters in touch) recite the pledge on closing day ceremonies, and her son Eddie, a boyscout, recite the pledge during the candlelight ceremony.  Jeaneete manned the desk with Elaine and her husband Steve Mackey, President of Riverside Chapter 47 of the VVA, and they all did an awesome job!  The many hours that they contributed was truly amazing and hundreds of veterans and their families were helped with their needs, both in finding their loved ones on the "Wall" and having someone listen to their stories, some sad, some heartfelt, but all needed saying.  Jeanette and Elaine not only listened but provided emotional and moral support too so many.  We were blessed to have these two wonderful ladies and Steve manning the information booth and participating in such a moving and memorable event.  Steve had a personal and memorable event when he "touched" with a sister of a veteran on the "Wall" that he flew with.  The family had never heard how their loved one had died nor ever met anyone that knew of him. Steve not only served and flew with him but was wearing his POW/MIA bracelet, a very moving and emotional moment. They all deserve our "kudo's" for a "Job Well Done!"  The success at the "Wall" was in part because of your unselfishness and love of veterans and their families