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there is absolutely no better melody then that of bagpipers at a solemn and moving event.  The "pipes" have a history and tradition in the Military and it was only a fitting tribute to have them for the "Moving Wall Experience. It our privilege to have them play for those veterans that paid the ultimate sacrifice on the "Wall" and to those veterans who fought the war and were left standing.  We were honored and proud to have them play once again. The duo and family members, Jim and Cameron Eaton have been with the Chapter many years and have played at many events. We congratulate and thank you both for your dedication to our veteran events, for your love of God, Country and Corps.  You both have honored us on many occasions and when asked, you always reply in the affirmative.  You are unselfish and dedicated to those virtues that make our Country the greatest in the world.  You both have left your positive mark with our Chapter members, the community and to the many veterans that heard you play. You will forever be a part of our Chapter and we again, our honored to have you represent us at all our functions honoring veterans.  Congratulations and Semper Fi to two patriotic and devoted members of our community.